Stellungnahme der AMC zur Nutzung von Audience Measurement im Kontext des aktuellen EMFA-Entwurfs
Die AMC (Audience Measurement Coalition) begrüßt, dass die Europäische Kommission in ihrem kürzlich veröffentlichten Entwurf für den „European Media Freedom Act“ (EMFA) unabhängigem und neutralem Audience Measurement im Medienmarkt hohe Bedeutung einräumt.
Sowohl in den Regelungen als auch in den Erwägungsgründen des Entwurfs wird Audience Measurement als zentrales Werkzeug für Transparenz, Demokratie- und Wettbewerbssicherung anerkannt.
Für die weitere Optimierung und Sicherung der Praxistauglichkeit der Regelungen sucht die AMC den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten im weiteren Verfahren.
Die Pressemitteilung der AMC im Wortlaut:
‘The European Commission’s proposal for a European Media Freedom Act creates the opportunity to strengthen pluralism and fairness in the rapidly evolving European media landscape. It has the ambition to ensure greater balance in this hyper-competitive globally connected market. It aims to set the bar globally for how national, regional and international actors operate for the benefits of future generations”, said Yannick Carriou, CEO of Médiamétrie.
The proposal includes a positive step forward to uphold strong Audience Measurement standards in the European market. The Audience Measurement Coalition [AMC] supports Union’s objective of enhancing the transparency of the EU media ecosystem for democratic and competitive purposes, and to foster consistent regulatory and self-regulatory standards. As stated in the proposal itself, ensuring transparency and fairness in Audience Measurement is instrumental in guaranteeing “transparent and fair allocation of economic resources” on the internal media market. Furthermore, the ability of the media to reach multiple economic resources is fundamental to ensure their independence and therefore their liberty of speech and decide by themselves on their editorial policy.
“The access to the funding whether it is public money, or via advertising for the plurality of media on offer requires that the measurement of the media’s performance must be objective, standardised, independent, transparent, and shared. There is only one stopwatch in the 100 meter-dash final otherwise everybody can pretend they win which means, finally, everybody loses because confidence in the measure is vanished!” also said Mr. Carriou.
We foresee, moreover, that there are still challenges to be addressed during the negotiation stages of the Act. Nevertheless, the multiple references on Audience Measurement give a strong foundation to the Act. This Act is destined to become a landmark in European Media Legislation.
We note with interest that the Commission proposes an extension of the role and competence of ERGA (European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services) in its new capacity as the European Board for Media Services.
Our coalition, with decades of experience in developing standards and delivering the best of practices in Audience Measurement is looking forward to an open dialogue during the negotiations and eventually with the proposed Board in order to properly define and develop the operational framework that fulfils the Act’s principles.
“Mediametrie and its European colleagues in the AMC are ready to discuss every point of the future Act to see how we can concretely contribute to fulfill the aims of this new regulation.”, added Yannick Carriou, CEO of Mediametrie.
The Audience Measurement Coalition is a sector coalition in the domain of Audience Measurement. The AMC is composed of research companies and Joint Industry Committees, including research organisations such as FINNPANEL (FIN), IVW (DE), ÖWA, Médiamétrie (FR), Nielsen (US), Kantar (UK) and Gemius (PL). For decades the AMC has served European markets to ensure that both traditional and digital publishers’ and broadcasters’ audiencias are measured correctly and based on market standards and methodologies with clear and transparent codes of practices."
For further information contact:
Agata Nowacka
+32 (0) 473 590 533
Die IVW engagiert sich seit 2017 kontinuierlich in der Audience Measurement Coalition, einem Zusammenschluss europäischer Joint Industry Committees und Marktforschungsorganisationen.